Baividang Seeds-100g | Embelia Ribes | 100% Natural | ISO & GMP Certified.


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Baividang commonly known as ‘false black pepper’ is one of the most parasitic and anthelmintic herbs of Ayurveda. It has various medicinal properties and is widely used against intestinal worm infestation. It is also beneficial for indigestion, helps in managing weight, etc.

In addition to this, it possess abundant properties which helps in treating several health anomalies. Few of these properties are – anti microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, blood purifying, and astringent.
100% Natural Baividang Seeds (Embelia Ribes)

Baividang seeds, derived from the fruit of the tree Embelia ribes, hold a significant place in traditional Ayurvedic practices for their potential health benefits. These small, round seeds, also known as false black pepper or Vidanga in Sanskrit, have been historically utilized for their medicinal properties, offering a diverse range of applications in promoting overall well-being.

The efficacy of Baividang seeds is attributed to their rich composition of bioactive compounds, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and essential oils. These natural elements contribute to the seeds’ potential anthelmintic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, making them a valuable addition to traditional wellness practices.

One of the primary uses of Baividang seeds is in traditional Ayurvedic formulations for their anthelmintic properties. The seeds are believed to have the ability to expel intestinal worms and parasites. Incorporating the powdered form of Baividang seeds into herbal formulations, teas, or decoctions is a common practice for those seeking natural support for gastrointestinal health.

Moreover, Baividang seeds are traditionally valued for their potential in addressing microbial infections. The antimicrobial properties of the seeds may help combat various pathogens, contributing to overall immune support.

In addition to their anthelmintic and antimicrobial benefits, Baividang are sometimes used in Ayurvedic practices for promoting oral health. The seeds are believed to have astringent properties that may contribute to maintaining oral hygiene and addressing issues like bad breath.

Furthermore, Baividang are celebrated for their potential antioxidant properties. These properties may help combat oxidative stress, contributing to overall well-being.

Incorporating Baividang seeds into traditional wellness routines is an example of harnessing the potential benefits of this herbal remedy. Whether used for gastrointestinal health, immune support, oral hygiene, or as a source of antioxidants, Baividang underscore the holistic approach of traditional herbal practices in promoting overall health.

  • It might help manage weight by lowering the lipid levels.
  • Helps in improving the metabolism of the body.
  • Helps improving skin complexion and detoxifies blood.
  • It helps in expelling worms and parasites from the stomach.
  • It is useful against vomiting, bloating, indigestion and gastritis.


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10. Stay in harmony with nature.

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Baividang seeds

Baividang Seeds-100g | Embelia Ribes | 100% Natural | ISO & GMP Certified.


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