Gudmar Leaves Powder-114g | Gymnema Sylvestre | 100% Organic | INDIA ORGANIC certified | ISO & GMP Certified


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Gudmaar or Gymnema sylvestre is a woody climbing shrub that’s native to the tropical forests of India. Their leaves have been used in the ancient Indian Ayurveda for thousands of years and are considered an important ingredient for the treatment of diabetes. It also suppresses the craving for sweet and sugary foods by reducing the desire to eat. Besides this, it is also used in the treatment of various other diseases such as obesity, stomach ache, ulcers pain, glucose metabolism, cough, urinary complaints and snake bites.

100% Pure Organic Gudmaar Leaves (Gymnema Sylvestre)

Introducing Nutriorg Gudmar Leaves Powder, a natural powerhouse of health benefits derived from the potent Gudmar plant (Gymnema Sylvestre). Native to tropical regions of India, this herb has been revered in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its remarkable properties. Nutriorg takes pride in offering you the finest quality Gudmar Leaves Powder, ensuring you harness the maximum benefits of this extraordinary plant.

Gudmar, which translates to “sugar destroyer” in Hindi, lives up to its name by being a natural solution for managing diabetes and promoting overall well-being. The active compounds in Gudmar leaves have been studied extensively for their ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It works by enhancing the production of insulin, the hormone responsible for controlling glucose in the body. Incorporating Nutriorg Gudmar Leaves Powder into your daily routine can aid in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, making it an invaluable addition for individuals managing diabetes or those striving for preventive measures.

Apart from its role in diabetes management, Gudmar Leaves Powder possesses various other health benefits. It acts as a natural appetite suppressant, making it beneficial for individuals aiming to manage their weight. By reducing cravings and promoting a feeling of fullness, it supports healthy weight management goals.

Gudmar Leaves Powder is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It aids in reducing inflammation in the body, supporting joint health, and promoting overall immune function. The antioxidants present in Gudmar leaves help combat free radicals, protecting cells from oxidative stress and contributing to a healthier, more resilient body.

At Nutriorg, we ensure that our Gudmar Leaves Powder is crafted with utmost care and precision. Our product is free from harmful chemicals and additives, preserving the natural goodness of the Gudmar plant. By choosing Nutriorg Gudmar Leaves Powder, you are opting for a natural, holistic approach to well-being, rooted in the wisdom of ancient Ayurvedic traditions.

Experience the transformative power of Gudmar Powder and embrace a healthier, balanced lifestyle. Let the natural benefits of this incredible herb support you on your journey to optimal health and wellness.


Due to presence of flavonoids, ascorbic acid, cinnamic acid and folic acid, Gudmaar powder is high in antioxidants. It also increases islets of langerhans, hence it is a boon in diabetes.

Reduce Sugar Craving: a
The primary component is gymnemic acid which helps reducing sugar cravings by making sweet foods taste less appealing. Also, it blocks the sugar receptors on your taste buds.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels:
Ingesting Gudmar helps in controlling blood sugar and reduces the level of high blood glucose as it improves insulin response to food also lowers the dependence on insulin therapy and oral diabetes drug.

Helps in Weight Loss:
It contains constituents like Gurmarin which prevents glucose absorption and manages lipid levels in the body. Further, it reduces cravings and decreases sugary food intakes, thus helps in weight loss.

Antioxidant Activity:
Overweight people have low antioxidants and high level of oxidative stress. Thus, consuming Gudmar powder helps in boosting antioxidant system and reduces strain on the body from being overweight. Also, it may help prevent metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease and diabetes.

Respiratory System:
It helps in accumulating mucus from the respiratory tract; hence it is very beneficial in case of ailments of the respiratory system.

Urinary System:
Gudmar Powder is diuretic in nature and is may be beneficial in urinary tract infections and renal problems.


1.   Protect your children and family members from cancer causing pesticides.
2.   Say goodbye to chemicals in your daily diet.
3.   Get the better taste of health and nutrition.
4.   Eat foods with international standards.
5.   Reduce health risks.
6.   Protect the earth as organic farming is eco friendly.
7.   Prevent water contamination from harmful Chemicals and Heavy Metals as there are no chemical pollutants in organic farming.
8.   Gain from the diversity of crops which is becoming a thing of the past.
9.   Help small farmers and eliminate middlemen to create sustainable livelihoods.
10. Stay in harmony with nature.

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Gudmar Leaves Powder

Gudmar Leaves Powder-114g | Gymnema Sylvestre | 100% Organic | INDIA ORGANIC certified | ISO & GMP Certified


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